Connect with The Support of the Universe

A meditation to help you remember your connection with everything

*Please note this is part of a series based on the book The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. The meditation is effective with our without reading the book, but if you’d like to join the book club, click here.*

In The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo says on April 25: “Living in modern times has turned us into watchers, placing a sliver of distance between us and everything we meet. It is this watching that disheartens our days, that takes the color out of the earth and makes the songs of time sound flat.”

Have you ever taken note of the seemingly inanimate objects around you? The wall, the door, the chair, the table? How would life be if you recognized these objects were full of life just as plants, flowers and trees are?

It may seem strange to imagine this, but if you remember the Holy Spirit is within everything, and there is no place that escapes the breath and life of God, a healing of separation can begin. Once you again feel connected to everything in the universe, you will know and experience unconditional love, safety, support, wisdom and everything else that is already our Divine Truth.


Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Enhance Your Connection With Others by Remaining Calm and Centered

This will bring calm amidst chaos

*Please note this is part of a series based on the book The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. The meditation is effective with our without reading the book, but if you’d like to join the book club, click here.*

It’s hard to be present with our loved ones while life is crazy around us, but if we can remember to keep ourselves centered and grounded we do better in all of our relationships.

This meditation helps you be the steady anchor of your home or work to allow you to focus in areas of importance, and connect deeper with those you desire.


Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

We Share the Same River, We Are Not Alone


What does it mean to be connected to all life and how does it serve you?

*Please note this is part of a series based on the book The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. The meditation is effective with our without reading the book, but if you’d like to join the book club, click here.*

If you sit and watch a river or stream flow, you’ll see that it touches everything in its way and then moves on. It does not stop to ponder why a rock is in the way, or how the tree came to fall right across its path. It continues, day after day, to touch all and carry the loose or unnecessary obstacles away with it.

What can this mean for you? Have you ever had the experience, like Mark Nepo mentions in the book on April 2nd, that the waters of emotion may be with you one hour, and in the next another person is having the same experience? Or that the waves of emotion that wash through us are just that, waves that ebb and surge?

What you discover through this process will be unique. I can’t predict what insights you’ll have to your life and that of those around you, but I do know this meditation can help you find peace and balance as you discover the connection through the never-ending flow of water.


Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

The Practice of Forgiveness

If you are determined to move forward into a greater life for yourself, but you are harboring grudges or resentments towards another, forgiving is essential. I know it’s not easy. I know you may not want to do it; I didn’t. I had heard people promoting the value of forgiveness for many years before I decided to take a serious stab at it.

After all, “He did it to me; why should I forgive him?” He needed to suffer, and I wasn’t going to let him off the hook, no way; he needed to pay! The problem is, he wasn’t paying for it. I was. In reality, he probably had no idea the series of events still played over and over in my head and he’d long forgotten them, so it certainly didn’t torture him at all.

I was the one paying for it, wrapping up good energy on past events that truly had no significance in my current or future life. And that’s why we need to forgive; we need that valuable, awesome energy to help us move forward, not hold us back. It doesn’t make the person’s actions okay or acceptable; it’s a matter of taking back our energy and our Power. Take your Power back and get rid of that icky energy.

There are many ways to start a forgiveness practice. What I’ll share here are three possibilities using prayer beads or malas. There is no magic number of times you need to do it; you just do it until you feel you’re done. It might take one day, two weeks or two months, but eventually the charged energy goes away when you recall the person. None of these three practices is any better than the other. Do the one that feels best for the situation.

First Option: This is particularly useful when you really wanted someone to change. Imagine the person in front of you, as if you are speaking directly to them. Speak sincerely. “Joe, I forgive you for not being the person I wanted you to be.” It allows for a space of letting them be them, and not someone they’re not. Repeat it over and over until you feel a shift.

It is also sometimes useful to combine it with the second option.

Second option: Again, imagine the person in front of you, as if you are speaking to them. Speak sincerely. “Joe. I love you, I bless you, I forgive you, I release you.” That’s it, over and over.

Combined it is even more powerful: “Joe, I forgive you for not being the person I wanted you to be. I love you, I bless you, I release you.”

The third option is my personal favorite as it helps me recognize that the faults I see in others are also my own, which helps me come around quickly to compassion or understanding for that person. Again, imagine talking directly to them. “Joe, I forgive you and myself for being ignorant (Choose appropriate quality). I love you as I love myself, for God is the love I am.” This also turns the situation over to the Divine Source that allows love to flow to and from all without judgement.

I’d challenge you to just try one for a week if there is someone that really triggers you. You don’t have to fully forgive them, but just see if it frees anything up in you to be open to starting the process.

Are you willing to be open to moving toward your greater life?


Feeling disconnected or off-center?

This will help you get back on your game!

It can feel as if life is out of control if we lose our grounding or our connection with our Divine Source. These connections move through our body’s energy system by way of chakras. Though there are many of them in our body, this meditation focuses on two of the primary ones: the root and the crown chakra.

I wanted to keep the meditation length within 10 minutes, so I’ll give a little more information here:

The Root energy system has to do with our foundation and support, being grounded, financial and personal support; it’s the base from which you grow; it’s about survival and meeting your basic needs.

The Crown energy system is your connection with the Divine and reaching higher states of consciousness or bliss, your confidence and inner beauty.

I am not suggesting these chakras are any more important than the others, but they are a good starting point!

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Practicing Being Open to Love Makes You Open to Love!

This is a great feel-good meditation, because who doesn’t like to feel love?

Sometimes we feel unlovable or not good enough, so why not practice feeling loved? This meditation helps open our heart to receiving love and loving ourselves, because we deserve it! Our existence on this planet is enough to deserve a rich, loving life. Feel the Love; it’s your birthright.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

What Could More Joy in Your Life Do For You?

This very short and quick process will help you when you are seeking more joy or happiness, and it just feels good!

It does, it just feels good to be joyful! So why not try this to bring more joy into your life? The more you intentionally feel joy and happiness, the more it will spontaneously appear, and life will feel better and more manageable.

Creating joy is easier than you may think. Once you allow more joy in, the more open you’ll be to receive other great things in life. An open heart and mind accept more ideas, more love, more transformative experiences; so let’s begin.

The meditation can be found here:

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Alchemist. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

I Am So Happy That…

What are YOU so happy about?

Asking the right question can change it all. We hear a lot about being grateful, and doing gratitude practices, but sometimes it’s just a little hard to come up with them. However if you’re prompted the right way it can make it so much easier. Being grateful is an easy way to find more things in your life to be grateful for.

This meditation walks you through seven core areas of life to help you find something to be happy about, to be grateful for, in all seven aspects. I encourage you to do this often in order to live more fully in gratitude.

The meditation can be found here:

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Alchemist. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

Connecting to Inner Purpose

How to move into more joy, ease and lightness in your life

If you don’t have a lot of joy or ease in your life, it probably feels more like a struggle. Living in struggle often has to do with living outside of the present moment. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were easier, lighter and more joyful?

This meditation will help identify areas of joy and ease that you can focus on as you move into your purpose. Acceptance is part of it. If you don’t accept a current situation then you’re in resistance, and resistance is simply a circle of struggle.

Accept the present and move into joy and ease.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.

Separating from Time

How to make full use of our senses for our awakening

Eliminating time from our consciousness helps us eliminate ego. This is important as ego doesn’t want us to reach our potential; ego wants us to stay small, safe, comfortable.

One way to eliminate time is to make use of all our senses in order to anchor in the present moment. It is in the present we find peace and stillness, not in the future or past. The past and future is story only, story of what might happen or story of what did happen, neither of which is as important as what is happening now. In this peace and stillness is our window to our soul’s desires.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.