Connecting to Inner Purpose

How to move into more joy, ease and lightness in your life

If you don’t have a lot of joy or ease in your life, it probably feels more like a struggle. Living in struggle often has to do with living outside of the present moment. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were easier, lighter and more joyful?

This meditation will help identify areas of joy and ease that you can focus on as you move into your purpose. Acceptance is part of it. If you don’t accept a current situation then you’re in resistance, and resistance is simply a circle of struggle.

Accept the present and move into joy and ease.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.

Separating from Time

How to make full use of our senses for our awakening

Eliminating time from our consciousness helps us eliminate ego. This is important as ego doesn’t want us to reach our potential; ego wants us to stay small, safe, comfortable.

One way to eliminate time is to make use of all our senses in order to anchor in the present moment. It is in the present we find peace and stillness, not in the future or past. The past and future is story only, story of what might happen or story of what did happen, neither of which is as important as what is happening now. In this peace and stillness is our window to our soul’s desires.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.