We Share the Same River, We Are Not Alone


What does it mean to be connected to all life and how does it serve you?

*Please note this is part of a series based on the book The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. The meditation is effective with our without reading the book, but if you’d like to join the book club, click here.*

If you sit and watch a river or stream flow, you’ll see that it touches everything in its way and then moves on. It does not stop to ponder why a rock is in the way, or how the tree came to fall right across its path. It continues, day after day, to touch all and carry the loose or unnecessary obstacles away with it.

What can this mean for you? Have you ever had the experience, like Mark Nepo mentions in the book on April 2nd, that the waters of emotion may be with you one hour, and in the next another person is having the same experience? Or that the waves of emotion that wash through us are just that, waves that ebb and surge?

What you discover through this process will be unique. I can’t predict what insights you’ll have to your life and that of those around you, but I do know this meditation can help you find peace and balance as you discover the connection through the never-ending flow of water.


Thank you for listening. Enjoy!