How to discover, and heal, your root money beliefs

Why Your History with Money Matters Now

Our first experiences with money are powerful; they shape our money relationship for the rest of our lives – if we let them. If you don’t have a healthy relationship with money, then it’s time to shift it. You are here to thrive, not to struggle.

This meditation will help reveal first, important experiences; look at how they affect you today, and what you can do to shift them.

This is a great meditation to listen to often, as there is usually more than one contributing factor to current experience, so digging in layer by layer is the best way to heal it permanently.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity by Edwene Gaines. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes. You can buy your copy of the book here.