Let’s Dig in and Find What Only You Can Do to Serve

You have unique gifts to serve the world

*Please note this is part of a series based on the book Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics by Mirabai Starr. The meditation is effective with or without reading the book, but if you’d like to join the book club, click here.

You may already know where you want to change the world, or what you can bring to the table to do it, but let’s put them together to help you serve in the most powerful way you can.

Starr has an exercise in chapter eight to find a way you can help heal our Mother the Earth, and this expands upon that for those that are called to heal people, animals, everything.

You may want a pen and paper nearby for this, although it’s not required; there will only be a few things you’ll want to remember later.


Thank you for listening. Enjoy!