Making assumptions leads to misunderstandings and lost opportunities

If we don’t know, and we assume something, we can be way off base, losing opportunity and wasting energy in the process.

If we are a little confused by what someone has told us we should ask for clarification, but instead we often make an assumption. When we assume incorrectly, while at work for example, we can waste much time doing the wrong job or gathering worthless information. If we had asked for clarification, we would have known up front what the intent of the conversation was. So why don’t we ask?

Our brain is quick to fill in missing information; we do it about others, and others do it about us. Have you ever given someone else instruction only to find they didn’t do what you wanted at all? We make assumptions that we know what others want, and we also assume they know what we want. Not only is this unproductive, it can sometimes be hurtful as well.

The simple fix is to be open, be curious and ask questions. Ask for clarification!

In this week’s meditation we are encouraged to watch for this in our life, and to be open to a different possibility.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!


This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Four Agreements. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

Moving from Stuck to Free Starts with Your Word and Keeping Your Power

Be Impeccable with your Word.

Being impeccable with your word means living in integrity, being honest with yourself and others. Sometimes it’s hard to speak what’s truly on our mind, but if we don’t do that, we give away our power, we diminish our needs for fear of how another person may feel or react. We have to stop that, or we’ll never get free from our ruts.
This meditation will help empower you to stay impeccable with your word, to stay true to yours.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!


This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Four Agreements. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

Moving Forward Requires Becoming Aware

Becoming aware of and digging into our beliefs is the first step to changing them.

Have you ever considered why you might think one style of fashion is good and another is not? Or why one prescribed set of professional behaviors is preferable to another? It’s not by accident. Everything we think and accept as normal begins early on in childhood and is shaped throughout our life.

How do you currently fit into your idea of good behavior? Cash spending patterns? Career? Relationships?

If you feel like you fall short in any aspect of life, it’s going to affect your sense of freedom, self-worth and living a meaningful life.

This meditation will begin to reveal these agreements to you, made long ago, and start the process to shift into a new reality.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!


This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Four Agreements. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

Practicing Being Open to Love Makes You Open to Love!

This is a great feel-good meditation, because who doesn’t like to feel love?

Sometimes we feel unlovable or not good enough, so why not practice feeling loved? This meditation helps open our heart to receiving love and loving ourselves, because we deserve it! Our existence on this planet is enough to deserve a rich, loving life. Feel the Love; it’s your birthright.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

What Could More Joy in Your Life Do For You?

This very short and quick process will help you when you are seeking more joy or happiness, and it just feels good!

It does, it just feels good to be joyful! So why not try this to bring more joy into your life? The more you intentionally feel joy and happiness, the more it will spontaneously appear, and life will feel better and more manageable.

Creating joy is easier than you may think. Once you allow more joy in, the more open you’ll be to receive other great things in life. An open heart and mind accept more ideas, more love, more transformative experiences; so let’s begin.

The meditation can be found here:

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Alchemist. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

I Am So Happy That…

What are YOU so happy about?

Asking the right question can change it all. We hear a lot about being grateful, and doing gratitude practices, but sometimes it’s just a little hard to come up with them. However if you’re prompted the right way it can make it so much easier. Being grateful is an easy way to find more things in your life to be grateful for.

This meditation walks you through seven core areas of life to help you find something to be happy about, to be grateful for, in all seven aspects. I encourage you to do this often in order to live more fully in gratitude.

The meditation can be found here:

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation correlates to my current Inspiring Book Transformation Series featuring The Alchemist. Each month I feature an inspiring and transformative book to guide us in digging deeper into our selves and change our lives. These are all books that have changed my life and I know they can change yours. Find out more about the current book here or sign up to receive emails on upcoming Inspiring Book Transformation Classes.

To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.


As a professional Animal Communicator and Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, I use the wisdom I have learned from all life to create a life I love through deep spiritual practices. This did not happen quickly; I had a lot of rough years being financially broke and in dysfunctional relationships before I was able to understand the wisdom presented in Spirit and Nature and how to connect it to my own life. Then, finally, life started shifting.

Now it’s my mission to help others do the same. I engage the wisdom of ALL life to help people create a life they love using spiritual practices and tools; to guide people into deep spiritual connection with the Divine for a richer, more rewarding life.

If you have the urge to seek something better in your life, if life feels hard and deep down you know it doesn’t have to be, but you don’t know how to make it better; if you are ready to make a change, please reach out to me.

I offer classes, videos, blogs, one-on-one coaching, and appointments.

Find out more about my services at and

Follow me on Facebook

Step One on the Journey Towards Your Purpose

How to find the peace and stillness inside you

If you are really ready to move forward in your purpose and passion, you need to learn to differentiate between your ego and your Self, the observer. Your ego wants you to stay safe, be right and be comfortable, to never grow. But moving into your purpose and passion takes growth; it means getting outside of your comfort zone.

This meditation will help you identify ego from Self, an important skill to learn so you don’t listen to ego the rest of your life. As Eckhart Tolle writes in A New Earth, “unless you know the basic mechanics behind the workings of the ego, you won’t recognize it, and it will trick you into identifying with it again and again”.

Once you identify the ego and take a break from its thoughts, you can feel a peace and stillness, which is the beginning of the journey to a greater you.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Feeling Stuck and Not Sure What to Do?

Take this walk for a special message, just for you.

Taking a break and a walk is always helpful for the mind and soul, but on this walk you’ll meet special people to offer guidance to you. If there has been a concern or lack of clarity over something in your life, bring it on the walk with you. Answers await.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Do You Wish You’d Acted Differently?

You can’t change the past, but you can move on and free up your energy for greater things.

Having compassion and forgiving ourselves is key to moving out of a story that we wish never happened. Sometimes our best intentions don’t play out the way we’d like, and it’s impossible to take back words or actions we wish we’d never committed. No matter what has happened. we are allowed to move on with our lives.

This meditation will help you release that story so it doesn’t hold you back anymore.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy.

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Taking a break in the middle of chaos: Sweet Photo Escape Meditation

Does your day sometimes get overwhelming or stressful?

This meditation can help you keep that vacation feeling when you need it most.

Wouldn’t it be great to be whisked off to a private Caribbean beach in the middle of a boring meeting? Or maybe you prefer a snow-capped mountain cabin, complete with flannel and snowshoes? Where ever in nature you like to go, this meditation will take you there any time you like. Enjoy this time with Mother Earth and your loved ones; it’s all about connection.


Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.