Connecting to Inner Purpose

How to move into more joy, ease and lightness in your life

If you don’t have a lot of joy or ease in your life, it probably feels more like a struggle. Living in struggle often has to do with living outside of the present moment. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were easier, lighter and more joyful?

This meditation will help identify areas of joy and ease that you can focus on as you move into your purpose. Acceptance is part of it. If you don’t accept a current situation then you’re in resistance, and resistance is simply a circle of struggle.

Accept the present and move into joy and ease.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.

Separating from Time

How to make full use of our senses for our awakening

Eliminating time from our consciousness helps us eliminate ego. This is important as ego doesn’t want us to reach our potential; ego wants us to stay small, safe, comfortable.

One way to eliminate time is to make use of all our senses in order to anchor in the present moment. It is in the present we find peace and stillness, not in the future or past. The past and future is story only, story of what might happen or story of what did happen, neither of which is as important as what is happening now. In this peace and stillness is our window to our soul’s desires.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. To be a part of future classes, or to learn more, click here.

Feeling Our Inner Body

What does your body feel like from the inside?

Being aware of our inner body – that body which is free from our external view and judgement – is an important step to our overall awareness. There can be no ego in the present moment feeling the life of our body, and it’s this awareness that can help us move forward as we differentiate between feelings that feel good and don’t feel good. Our inner body brings us present, but also is the gauge to move us forward.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

This meditation coincides with the February Empowerment Class based on A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. This 4-week empowerment book study will help you awaken to your life’s purpose as we dig deep into ourselves. I will guide you through the wisdom of the book while sharing the insights I’ve learned from it and other places to live my life’s purpose. Each week we will dig into ways to keep your life’s journey strong and inspiring. You will come to experience who you truly are while learning the steps to take to have a more meaningful life, learning to live and breathe freely.

Are you ready to live the experience of freedom? Sign up here.

Step One on the Journey Towards Your Purpose

How to find the peace and stillness inside you

If you are really ready to move forward in your purpose and passion, you need to learn to differentiate between your ego and your Self, the observer. Your ego wants you to stay safe, be right and be comfortable, to never grow. But moving into your purpose and passion takes growth; it means getting outside of your comfort zone.

This meditation will help you identify ego from Self, an important skill to learn so you don’t listen to ego the rest of your life. As Eckhart Tolle writes in A New Earth, “unless you know the basic mechanics behind the workings of the ego, you won’t recognize it, and it will trick you into identifying with it again and again”.

Once you identify the ego and take a break from its thoughts, you can feel a peace and stillness, which is the beginning of the journey to a greater you.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Feeling Stuck and Not Sure What to Do?

Take this walk for a special message, just for you.

Taking a break and a walk is always helpful for the mind and soul, but on this walk you’ll meet special people to offer guidance to you. If there has been a concern or lack of clarity over something in your life, bring it on the walk with you. Answers await.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Do You Wish You’d Acted Differently?

You can’t change the past, but you can move on and free up your energy for greater things.

Having compassion and forgiving ourselves is key to moving out of a story that we wish never happened. Sometimes our best intentions don’t play out the way we’d like, and it’s impossible to take back words or actions we wish we’d never committed. No matter what has happened. we are allowed to move on with our lives.

This meditation will help you release that story so it doesn’t hold you back anymore.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy.

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

What is your body trying to tell you?

The most valuable tool you have to help your body heal is you!

Take a short journey into your body and find out what it needs to operate at its optimum level. This meditation is just a taste of what you can do; I recommend listening to it often or pausing it in the middle so you can have a deep connection with your body.

Help yourself feel great.

Thank you for listening, enjoy.

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Taking a break in the middle of chaos: Sweet Photo Escape Meditation

Does your day sometimes get overwhelming or stressful?

This meditation can help you keep that vacation feeling when you need it most.

Wouldn’t it be great to be whisked off to a private Caribbean beach in the middle of a boring meeting? Or maybe you prefer a snow-capped mountain cabin, complete with flannel and snowshoes? Where ever in nature you like to go, this meditation will take you there any time you like. Enjoy this time with Mother Earth and your loved ones; it’s all about connection.


Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.  

Peace Starts with(in) Me

Starting the year in peace.

This is a very busy time of year for many, which is too bad that we end one year stressed out and welcome the new one in the same way. It would be great if we could stop for a few minutes and enjoy all of the activities, and welcome in the new year feeling good.

This meditation is to help you find your personal peace, and then to share it if you choose.


The Power of Joy!

What is the fastest way to start a shift in your life when you’re feeling down or stuck?

Intentional Joy is.

This meditation will help you feel that joy to get past stressful triggers that seem to come at us every day. And the more we feel joyful, the better we start to feel all the time, even when life seems too hard.

Discover the magic of Intentional Joy now, just 10 minutes. You’re worth the time!

Could you use a little help going deeper or getting unstuck? Karen works with people that are ready to move forward in their lives. Karen learned the power, joy and magic of committed spiritual practice and now helps others to as well. If you’d like to talk about it, sign up for a Spiritual Strategy Session with Karen here.

Have you always wanted a deeper connection with your pet? Maybe life could be a little bit easier if you understood them a little better? As the Wisdom of all Life TM Animal Communicator, I have created this guided meditation to help you take that first step in listening to your pet’s needs, wants and desires. This leads to a happier animal and more harmonious home when you’re able to act on this information.
Click here and once you pay with a credit card or paypal, you’ll be taken to page for immediate download. The meditation comes in a zip file with three mp3 audio files in it. $9.97